
Did you know it costs you NOTHING to Have a Buyer’s Agent? Yes, My services are FREE to you!

When you are ready to look for a new home or an investment property, I offer much more than just opening a few doors in the hope that you like what you see. I will provide thorough investigative reports on the property of interest by digging deep and finding out everything I can on a property I make sure it meets your wants and needs. I have been trained in Situational Sales Negotiation. These skills will help in obtaining better contract terms for you. All of this will add value to partnering with me.

Did you know that Builders prefer that you work with your own agent AND there are no cost savngs for you if you represent yourself?

If you choose to build, I can help with this as well. Please remember that you need representation when working with builders. Remember it COST you Nothing to have a Realtor represent you with New Construction. The Builder’s agent is working for the Builder as the selling agent, not you. The majority of builders prefer you have a Realtor. I will be with you through the entire process and offer my time and feedback at every meeting. Offering another set of eyes with experience in these very important details is why I am your partner and best advocate. My ultimate goal is to make your Real Estate experience satisfying, stress free, and enjoyable.

Communication is yet another key component in making any Real Estate transaction successful. After we have found your new home, submitted an offer, negotiated terms, and have a signed contract, my job as a Realtor comes into full swing.  Contract timelines, inspections, appraisals, and repairs are just a few details that are specific and have to be properly managed. I will manage these items for you and have a team that will assist to ensure proper compliance.

I become your Partner and best Advocate as your agent.  I have an honest and direct approach with my clients and the people I work with. Real Estate dealings are both business and emotional decisions and sometimes, the largest investment a family will ever make. I take those decisions seriously and provide the best support for my clients.

When you decide to partner with me, we will set goals, make a plan, and stay the course to get the job done right and on time.

Download my “Buyers Presentation” for much more details about partnering with me.


Call today for a complimentary comparative market analysis for your home.
Office: (615) 371-1544    •    Cell: (615) 618-5721    •